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I'm a Guilty Reader // Tag Tuesday

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I'm a Guilty Reader // Tag Tuesday

Howdy! Today's post will be yet another tag, specifically, the Guilty Reader Tag! I know I JUST posted a tag but I've decided to start doing Tag Tuesdays to help me keep a consistent schedule and they also just seemed really fun. This was created by Chami from over at ReadLikeWildfire, and I would be surprised if you haven't checked out her channel yet, but if that's your case you TOTALLY SHOULD because she's the best. I have a feeling that I'm going to be really REALLY guilty, if we're being honest here...apologies in advance.


QUESTION ONE: have you ever re-gifted a book you've been given?

...Yes. In my defense, I had forgotten that I'd been gifted the book. But the person I gifted it to...did not. 😣 Oh god.

QUESTION TWO: have you ever lied about having read a book?

Yes, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. (Though I've read it by now.)

QUESTION THREE: have you ever borrowed a book and not returned it?

Well, in third grade, my teacher had a mini library in his room and he allowed us to borrow the books there. Obviously, as you can tell by this question, I never returned them. And I...I still have one of them.

QUESTION FOUR: have you ever read a series out of order?

THANKFULLY, no. (Finally, a question where I'm not guilty.) Though I do still wish they would put the number of the book in the series on the book just in case I were to ever read a series out of order.

QUESTION FIVE: have you ever spoiled a book for someone?

Sadly, yes. But in my defense, it was a COMPLETE accident. I mean, it was Harry Potter. At that time Order of the Phoenix had been out for ten years. (You guys know what I'm talking about...😭)

QUESTION SIX: have you ever doggy eared a book?

I only doggy ear books I don't care about (mostly required reading). But never anything else.

QUESTION SEVEN: have you ever told someone you don't own a book when you do?

No. I thought about this for a while, but I actually don't have any guilty pleasure reads.

QUESTION EIGHT: have you ever told someone you haven't read a book when you have?

Again, I haven't read any guilty pleasure books.

QUESTION NINE: have you ever skipped a chapter or a section of a book?

Like the doggy ear question, I only do this with either required reading questions or books I don't like but don't want to DNF.

QUESTION TEN: have you ever bad-mouthed a book you actually like?

Nope. I'm 100% honest about whether or not I like a book or series.


And that is all for now! Jeez, I had no idea I was so guilty. I always thought I was pretty innocent, but apparently not now that I've done this tag lol. I really hope you enjoyed this post, and if you did definitely make sure to like and share it, and don't forget to hit that follow button! I tag Maram and Ceilie. Bye!!


Maram said...

this tag seems right up my alley, thank you so much for tagging me! ^^

pssst. i also lied about reading the hobbit but only because it was for a school assignment and well.. you know how that gets! xD

Unknown said...

You're welcome! Also LOL I lie about reading a ton of required reading books but I decided to just say The Hobbit for this tag because it was never required reading for me. I just thought I'd seem cooler if I'd read it xD. Can't wait to see when you do this tag!!