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I'm a Guilty Reader // Tag Tuesday

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Books from Back in the Day // T5W

Hello everyone! Today's post is going to be yet another Top 5 Wednesday, a Goodreads group hosted by Samantha. This week's topic is "books you read before joining the online book community". This is going to be a fairly easy list for me, as I only joined GR in 2016, and I only joined the booktuber/blogger community this past March. Also, I'm not going to be including the obvious things like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. But anyway, let's get into the list!



And that is all for now! I know that I usually talk a little about each book for T5W, but this time I just didn't there was anything to talk about, you know? Like every time I'd be like "I read this back in third grade" or something like that, and I just think there's no point in that. But anyway, let me know in the comments some books that you read before you joined the online book community. I hope that you enjoyed this post make sure to like and share it, and don't forget to follow! Bye!!

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