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I'm a Guilty Reader // Tag Tuesday

Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring and Summer Book Recommendations!

Hello everyone! I know I haven't posted in almost a week, and that's because I HAVE BEEN A SMALL BALL OF NO IDEAS FOR POSTS. I still can't think of much, so I decided to do a recommendations post.

Normally, in fall, I read historical fiction and maybe horror around Halloween. In winter, I typically read fantasy; in spring and summer, I usually read contemporary. I'm not sure why that is, but for this post I'll be showing you a lot of cute contemporaries.


You've probably read or at least heard of this book before, and it's most likely going to be like that for all these books, but, nevertheless, this is still one of the CUTEST BOOKS I HAVE EVER READ. If you don't know what this is about, it follows a girl, and whenever she has a crush she writes a fake letter to them to help her get over them. But then one day, they somehow get mailed out, and chaos ensues from there. Again, this book is ADORABLE, and on May second, the third book in the trilogy comes out!


GUYS. If you haven't read anything by Rainbow Rowell yet, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING WITH YOUR LIFE. I put Fangirl as the picture because out of all her books I've read so far (FangirlEleanor & ParkAttachmentsCarry On, and, if you count it as a book, Kindred Spirits), Fangirl was my favorite. I'm guessing all of you know about her books, and if not, you can click on the Goodreads link to all the books in this list.

I recently reread this because I loved it SO MUCH that I needed to read it again. I have it as 4.5 stars right now, but I might actually change it to a solid 5 stars because I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH. Also, Becky Albertalli has her second book coming out on April eleventh, The Upside of Unrequited, which I will be reading AS SOON AS I CAN GET A COPY. Anyways, if you don't know what this book is about, it's all about this boy in high school, Simon, who knows he's gay, but hasn't come out yet. There's a lot more to the plot than that, but personally I feel like this is one of those books that you should go into kind of blind.

This is probably the best book I've ever read that doesn't get enough hype. I've seen a few people talk about it, but NOT ENOUGH. So, this book follows a ten-year-old kid named August, or Auggie. He was born with some kind of facial deformity (not sure what, I haven't read this in a little while), and all his life he's been home-schooled because of how often he has to get surgery. But, now he doesn't have to have surgeries nearly as often, and Auggie has to go to an actual school, and this is basically just all the things he faces throughout that. Also: IT HAS BEAUTIFULLY SHORT CHAPTERS. THE BEST KIND OF CHAPTER. Another thing: I would recommend this for any season of the year because I just love it so much, but especially for spring and summer because it just made me so happy while I was reading it (mostly toward the end, because the middle is kind of sad).

And that's it for now! I only have four for this but to be honest I would just keep listing out adorable contemporaries, and I had quite a bit to say for most of these books as well. Anyways, bye everyone!

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