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I'm a Guilty Reader // Tag Tuesday

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The First Date Book Tag!

Hey guys! I'm super sorry for not posting for the longest time, I've just been SUPER busy. I'm still pretty busy so I decided to do a tag because they're quick and fun. Also, if you don't agree with any of my opinions, no need to hate me. We all like different things.

1. THE AWKWARD FIRST DATE: Something felt off. It wasn't a bad book, but just lacked that spark for you.

Image result for snow white graphic novel

I can't deny that I really enjoyed this graphic novel. I'm not 100% sure what it is I didn't like, but I think it was just a little too short. I ended up giving it four stars on Goodreads, though, so it definitely wasn't that bad.

2. THE CHEAP FIRST DATE: A book that turned out less than expected.

Image result for throne of glass

I know you guys are probably getting tired of me not liking this book, but seriously. I hated it so much. I went into it with really high expectations (I mean, obviously. It's Throne of Glass, one of the most hyped books in the book community, how do I not have high expectations) and was completely let down.

3. WELL-PREPARED FIRST DATE: A book that turned out better than expected.

So, before I started this all the hype was saying that this book was extremely slow, which it still does today. As many of you know, I do NOT like slow-paced books, but one day I just decided to give in to the hype and read it, and let me tell you. I AM SO HAPPY I GAVE IN TO THE HYPE.

4. HOT BUT DUMB: A pretty book, but not so much on the inside.

Beautiful cover & writing, but just so boring.

5. BLIND DATE: A book you picked up without knowing anything about it.

And for this, I don't have anything. As much as I love a gorgeous cover, I'm going to read what the book is about first.

6. SPEED DATING: A book you read super fast.

Image result for simon vs the homosapien agenda

I've read Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda twice now and not only did I adore it both times, I also read it really quickly. If you haven't read this yet, I'd be surprised, so please do!

7. THE REBOUND: A book that you read too soon after a book hangover and it kinda ruined it for you.

This is another one I don't have an answer for! I guess something like this has never happened to me before.

8. OVERLY ENTHUSIASTIC DATE: A book that felt like it was trying too hard.

Again, I don't have anything for this one!

9. THE PERFECT DATE: A book that did everything right for you.

Image result for hyperbole and a half

I don't think I've ever mentioned Hyperbole and a Half on my blog before, and now is the perfect time. The hype for this has kinda died down, so if you haven't read it yet I suggest you do! I loved this graphic novel/comic/I'm-not-even-sure-how-to-classify-this-book-thing.

10. HUMILIATING FIRST DATE: A book that you're embarrassed to admit you liked.

I don't have an answer!

Again, sorry for not posting for such a long time, but hopefully I'll be back on schedule soon! I hope you enjoyed this tag. Let me know, if you've read any of the books I mentioned, what you thought of them! Bye guys!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I forgot to say this in the post, but anyone who sees this and wants to do this tag I TAG YOU!